Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Laser Hair Restoration

There has been a lot of buzz about laser hair restoration and whether or not it is the next big thing for regrowing hair. There are even several products on the market that claim to be lasers which will help your hair to regrow.

There has been very little research done on laser hair restoration but that hasn't stopped several websites from claiming that their product grows hair. Several websites site an FDA approval ruling as proof that using lasers promote hair growth. Actually the FDA did not say that any of the laser items regrow hair. What they did say was that using them would not cause any harm. These are two completely different findings. At no time has the FDA ruled that you can regrow hair by using any type of a laser.

The use at home products are not even lasers. They are diode lights that give the appearance of strong beams of light but in reality they are just dime store novelties. There have been no peer reviewed scientific studies that indicate lasers or these at home fake laser products do anything to make your hair grow again or improve the growth of hair you do have.

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