The laser comb has been around for only a few years but it has been stirring up a lot of press both good and bad during that time. The laser brush is another product that is not associated with the company that produces the laser comb but it operates on the same principles. Laser hair replacement therapy is really quite new and as I said it has only been around for a few years so there are not really a lot of long term studies that have been performed to determine if the theory really works well or not. The companies say that there is extra growth of hair when a person uses the laser device as instructed over a length of time.
Also known as the hair loss laser this device has been cleared by the FDA as a medical device for the treatment of hair loss in men who are suffering from male pattern baldness. This does not mean it has be certified to be effective at re-growing hair, it just means the device will not cause further damage. The Lazer Comb is basically under study right now as the company who manufactures and sells it conducts studies to determine how well it actually works. According to the company the device does show some hair growth after a few
There seems to be a lot of conversation and controversy about what could possibly be the reason that this low laser level light therapy can help the hair to grow. One potential reason which seems to make sense as to why the product can get a man’s hair to grow better is that it may help to stimulate blood flow to the hair roots. The majority of men who are losing their hair are doing so because of male pattern baldness. This condition is caused by poor blood flow to the hair follicles. The manufacturers claim that the laser photothereapy actually will increase the blood flow to the hair roots. This increase in blood flow could give the hair follicles an added boost of oxygen and nutrients which could increase their activity. The cause of dormancy and eventual death in the follicles is a build up of DHT at the blood system boundary. This build up stops effective transfer of needed nutrients and oxygen which causes the effectiveness of the root to decrease.
Although there is talk of photo-biostimulation there is no science behind this which could explain why a hair loss laser could help to regrow hair. The companies that manufacture these laser combs claim that this light therapy some how stimulates the hair follicles to be more active. There is some heating from these devices of the scalp and this heating may explain why laser treatment for hair loss can be effective. It is a known fact that heat will increase blood flow and this may be a reason why this hair loss laser treatment works. Of course there needs to be more scientific testing to determine exactly what is the cause for any hair growth.
There seems to be ample anecdotal evidence that this device does increase hair growth in total number of hairs and in thickness of the
The laser comb definitely deserves more study considering how much anecdotal evidence
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